May 01, 2011
Remembering insults forever
Doing three things at once
Doing the outwardly foolish thing, taking up lost causes
Interest in life and death
Driven to comprehend, complexity of understanding
Wanting to know the reasons and origins of things
Asks, “What is my purpose?”
Recognition of falsity, no “trophy friends”
Complexifying solutions
Finding non-conventional solutions, originality
Not motivated by extrinsic awards, discomfort with praise
Undeterred by conventional expectations
Self taught, non-sequential learning
Need for precision
Recognition of unfairness, strong sense of justice
Making intuitive leaps, making logical projections
Noticing what no one else does
Manipulation and bargaining
Make and follow their own plans, less teachable
Devise practical experiments to see “What if?”
Saying, “Actually”
Large vocabulary, love of big words
Delayed in toilet training, difficulty in separating from mom
Early sense of responsibility
Not wanting to grow up and face the world
Less physical risk-taking
Zipping through Piagetian stages
Friends of both genders, later sexual interests
Abstract thinkers before having the emotional ability to handle it
Symbolic thinkers
Can animate their fears, powerful emotional imagination
“Ageless” is the word that I’ve always used to describe my dear friend and treasured colleague, Annemarie Roeper. Her vitality of mind and spirit transcends all chronological boundaries, and issues of age simply vaporize in the clear, bright light of times shared with her.
“Ageless” is a word that also describes Annemarie’s perspectives on “life, the universe, and everything.” The wisdom she brings to every conversation I’ve ever had with her, as well as to her writings, presentations, and consultations, defy the boundaries of time and space. The pioneering work that she (with her beloved husband, George) did in creating and heading Roeper School and in developing “The Roeper Philosophy” has stood the test of time in honoring the Self of the child and broadening our perspectives on giftedness far beyond the narrow thinking of those who focus solely on the academic achievements and scholastic accomplishments of the gifted.
Most recently, one of the many manifestations of Annemarie’s ageless wisdom has been related to her Qualitative Assessment method for understanding the giftedness of children. She realized long ago that there was much more to identifying giftedness than was being revealed through traditional methods (test scores, teacher observations, performance tasks, etc.) and that she had been going well beyond those methods for years, dating well back to the days when she was at Roeper School full time. Her Qualitative Assessment (QA) method involves entering the world of the child and discovering much more about emotional and spiritual aspects of that individual, in addition to the child’s cognitive functioning, than could ever be revealed otherwise. So, Annemarie enlisted the aid of many of us who were close to her and very familiar with her work (Linda Silverman, Betty Meckstroth, Patty Gatto-Walden, Michele Kane, and others, including me) to establish an “apprenticeship” program that currently is well along in developing a cadre of skilled QA practitioners.
Spending time with Annemarie is, in itself, a timeless experience. Whether it was our conversations at the breakfast table, walking along one beach or another, riding together in a car, or sharing a meal, I invariably have found our discussions lively and intriguing and very influential in relationship to my work with teachers, schools, and school districts who are concerned with gifted children. (In fact, I often said that Annemarie and I should keep a tape-recorder going as we explored all those many complex and significant topics.) In an ongoing interplay between the past and the present, Annemarie draws on the experiences of a lifetime lived deeply and intensely while simultaneously being fully present in the here and now as her thoughts and feelings are dynamically shaped and reshaped in meaningful conversation with others.
Those of us who have known Annemarie well continue to be enriched by our connection with her. However, others who know her only through her prolific writings and speeches have continued to benefit by her timeless and ageless wisdom, benefits that have permanently changed the course of the field of gifted education for the better.
Ellen D. Fiedler, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL. Educational Consultant: Wings for Education LLC, New Buffalo, MI.
Order Form Books & Publications By Annemarie Roeper, Ed.D The “I” of the Beholder $20.00 Educating Children For Life $20.00 My Life Experiences with Children $20.00 Living with Intensity $30.00 (Compilation of articles on giftedness with 2 articles by Annemarie Roeper) Subtotal: _____________ Tax (8.75%): _____________ Shipping: ____$ 6.00___ Total: _____________ Name: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ Phone / E Mail: _____________________________________ Method of Payment: r Check r Money Order r Cash Please send your request to: Dr. Annemarie Roeper 11889 Skyline Boulevard Oakland, CA 94619 Thank you very much for your order!